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North Oaks new Breast Care Program 旨在鼓励筛查并帮助患者应对诊断的挑战, treatment, recovery and support if cancer is discovered.

“Our goal is to shift the dynamic of breast cancer care, 提供以患者为中心的方法,确保女性和男性在每一步都能得到所需的支持."
- Sarah Mitchell, Service Line Vice President

Comprehensive Care Pathway

北橡树乳房护理项目的核心是致力于缩小护理方面的差距, 从健康教育和筛查开始,无论结果如何都要继续.

Early Detection: 一年中的任何一个月都是安排年度乳房x光检查的合适时间. Early detection is crucial in the fight against breast cancer, and this program emphasizes the importance of regular screenings. Our innovative tools, 包括先进的乳房成像检查,如3D乳房x线摄影(数字乳房断层合成), 帮助早期发现和诊断乳腺癌,因为它更容易治疗.

“3D乳房x光检查可以让放射科医生更清楚地看到乳房组织的细节, 有可能发现隐藏在乳房组织下的乳腺癌,” explains Regina Scott, Vice President of Diagnostics.

“我们的高性能3D乳房x线照相机采用先进的癌症检测技术和人工智能(AI)相结合,, designed for comfort and convenience."

Benefits of 3D mammograms paired with Profound AITM include:

  • More accurate results
  • Faster diagnosis
  • Improved cancer detection
  • Fewer unnecessary callbacks
  • Fewer false-positives
  • Comfort-focused design

Patient Navigation: 当乳房x光检查正常时,我们的团队将第一个与我们的病人一起庆祝. 但如果乳房x光检查确实发现了异常,我们的病人导航器就会开始全速运转. 他们的目的是引导病人完成迷宫般的预约, tests, and decisions, 确保无缝和快速过渡到适当的专家.

Expert Medical Team: 北橡树乳房护理项目拥有一支高度专业化的医疗团队,致力于提供卓越的护理:

  • Breast Imaging Radiologists: 专家解释乳房x光片和先进的乳房成像技术,确保早期发现.
  • Surgeons: 熟练掌握各种乳腺癌干预和重建手术, working closely with patients to tailor treatment plans.
  • Oncologists: Specializing in breast cancer treatment, offering the latest medical advancements, including chemotherapy and targeted therapies.

Through collaboration, these providers ensure patients receive expert care, personalized treatment plans, and support throughout their breast cancer journey.

Biopsy and Beyond: 这个项目的模式是为了加快护理速度,减少等待答案可能导致的焦虑. 无论活检结果如何,North Oaks仍将继续致力于缩小护理差距. 该项目的护理导航员在接受异常乳房x光检查或超声检查的一周内将患者与普通外科医生联系起来, often achieving this goal in just a few days. Biopsies also are performed within a week.

如果确诊为癌症,该项目将为患者提供一条清晰的途径. This includes breast MRI, genetic testing, lumpectomy, partial/segmental/full mastectomy, reconstructive surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, rehabilitation services, support groups and all other necessary interventions and treatments.

Local Rehabilitative Support: Rehabilitation Services are integral to recovery. 物理和职业治疗师——包括经过认证的淋巴水肿治疗师——帮助病人恢复体力, function and confidence during recovery.

Resources and Support: Essential to every aspect of the journey is support. Access to national and local resources, as well as patient and caregiver support groups, 帮助病人和他们的家人应对癌症诊断带来的情感和实际挑战. Taking support a step further, 北橡树的注册营养师为患者提供营养咨询,帮助他们利用食物的治愈力量. The Breast Care Program team also partners with Krewe Da Cha Chas, 一个当地的非营利组织,致力于为乳腺癌斗士和幸存者提供当地的支持网络. Because no one should have to fight cancer alone, 北橡树已经组建了一个“幸存者支持志愿者”的核心团队,由北橡树的工作人员和社区成员组成,他们可以分享一对一的指导, 鼓励和见解,期望与新诊断的病人的每一步.

Patient-Centric and Community-Driven: 简而言之,北橡树乳房护理项目将患者置于其使命的中心.

“我们的项目通过认识到每个患者都有独特的需求,提高了乳房护理的标准. Regardless of socioeconomic resources, 我们相信每个人都应该在自己社区的支持环境中获得卓越的乳房护理,” Mitchell explains.

Meet Beth Carver, 她是一位杰出的乳腺癌幸存者,也是我们北橡树家族23年来的忠实成员. 她的经历证明了定期乳房x光检查的重要性以及亲人的坚定支持. Visit www.northoaks.去org/breastprogram最佳在线体育投注博彩公司关于贝丝的故事,并学习如何通过北橡树乳房护理项目来控制自己的健康.